

What is sensitive skin?
Sensitive skin is a permanent term rather than a medical diagnosis. It is often used to identify skin that has low tolerance to the application of cosmetics and personal care products. In surveys, approximately 50% of women and 40% of men can report that they have sensitive skin.
Sensitive skin can usually be divided into four main types:
naturally sensitive, environmentally sensitive, reactive and fine.
Naturally sensitive skin: This is genetic and can be attributed to inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.
Environmentally sensitive skin: As the name implies, this type of sensitivity is triggered by your environment. Sun exposure, cigarette smoke, air pollution - anything your skin touches can cause stinging, irritated skin.
Reactive skin: "This type of skin turns red and gives skin care reinsion, which causes very red, hot and irritated skin". "Usually patients develop papules or pustules where the irritant is placed."
Thin skin: As we age, our skin becomes thinner naturally and it is easier to irritate thinner skin.
What are the Sensitive Skin Symptoms?
subjective symptoms such as stinging, itching, burning
and / or visible skin changes such as redness, dryness, flaking, peeling, hives.
Among the causes of sensitive skin reactions are:
Skin disorders such as eczema, rosacea, or allergic contact dermatitis, or allergic skin reactions
Excessively dry or injured skin, which can no longer protect nerve endings and cause skin reactions
Excessive exposure to skin-damaging environmental factors such as sun and wind or extreme heat or cold Genetic factors in skin sensitivity, age, sex and race differences are less well defined, but can still cause skin reactions.
 People with sensitive skin can show strong reactions to chemicals, dyes and odors contained in products that come into contact with the skin. There may also be rashes or irritations caused by clothing or friction.
In most cases, sensitive skin is a symptom of an underlying condition. Finding ways to avoid potential triggers and soothe irritated skin can help people with sensitive skin relax and improve their quality of life.